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How to get a job at the OECD?

In February 2022, I gave a short interview to Paris School of International Affairs, Sciences Po about my employment at the OECD.

I shared what my responsibilities were, what was the most fastinating aspect of my job and most importantly, how I got a job at the OECD.

Unlike most Junior Policy Analyst, I did not do an internship before my contract. I did not have any connections at the OECD and in fact, I did not even know that the Crisis & Fragility Team existed!

So... how did I manage to get a job at the OECD?

  1. Networking.

  2. Having the right profile and experience.

  3. Knowing how to present myself.

  4. Being at the right place at the right time.

  5. The right interview preparation.

  6. Luck!

While I managed to land a great opportunity, it would not have been possible without YEARS of learning how IOs/NGOs work.

This is exactly why I created IO Ready - to save YOUR time in achieveing set goals and accelerate having impact on the world!

In the flagship Career Coaching Programme for International Organisations/NGOs, I teach about all the insider insights, essential knowledge and neccessary skills to get recruited by IOs/NGOS. Join the IO Ready Community!

Read the interview here.


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